Between January 01 and February 26, 1956
REDFIN operated in the waters in the area of Jacksonville and Mayport,
On February
10th REDFIN moored starboard side to Berth 2, Mayport,
Florida at 1611 and departed at 0835 on February 13th for
Norfolk. She arrived and moored port side to USS CUBERA (SS-347) at
1842 on February 16th.
On February 27th at 0804
REDFIN got underway for New London, Connecticut.
A garbage bag had become lodged in the outer door of the G.D.U.,
preventing a water tight seal. On making an attempt (4 times) to
the pier, the Dock Master sent REDFIN a message to "cease the attack" on
that pier and try another one.
On February 28th she entered dry dock (ARD-7) and the
pumping started at 1220. After
inspection, it was found that the garbage bag had disappeared.
The Skipper was "a little upset" and since REDFIN was out of
the water he decided that even though the cooks and mess cooks normally
do not participate in painting the hull, this would be a good experience
for them to give up their liberty and participate.
March 05 REDFIN was taken out of dry dock and she moored port side to Pier
5, U.S.N. Sub Base, New London at 1117. On
March 7th REDFIN returned to Norfolk and moored starboard to
Pier 21 at 1418.
Saturday, March 10th at 1656 REDFIN
departed Norfolk and arrived on March 17th and moored port side
to HMCS OUTREMONT (FFE-310) northeast side Pier 2, West St. Johns, New
Brunswick. On March 19th
at 0800 REDFIN was underway for Norfolk, arriving there on March 24th
and mooring at 1038, starboard to USS ARGONAUT (SS-475) at Pier 21.
Tuesday, May 01 at 0536 REDFIN got underway for
the Mediterranean Sea area. On
May 15th REDFIN arrived and moored starboard to West Side Berth
38N, Gibraltar, BCC.
On May 16th at 0805 underway
for Rhodes, Greece and arriving in Rhodes on May 22nd at 0915
and mooring starboard to port USS ELOKOMIN (AO-55).
May 23rd at 0556 departed
Rhodes enroute Piraeus, Greece. On
May 24th at 0939 Med-moored to Themistokleous Breakwater,
Piraeus, Greece. At 1607
underway for Berth Oscar, Phaleron Bay, Greece and anchored there at 1639.
At 0004 on
May 29 REDFIN left
anchorage to track a Soviet cruiser and two destroyers in the
Dardanelles. Keeping about 2500 yards off their port side, REDFIN kept
with them for a while and then returned to anchorage.
On June 4th at 0736 underway
for Crete. On June 9th
at 0924 moored port side to USS SALOMONIE (AO-26) in Suda Bay, Crete.
On June 10th underway at 1315 and arrived on June 16th
at 1412 and Med-moored to south side Ponte Andrea Doria in Porto Vecchio, Genoa, Italy.
The Italian
luxury liner Andrea Doria had tied up along the same pier. As the
Andrea Doria was getting underway, they played Anchors Away
as they passed REDFIN. On July 25, 1956 they were hit by the Swedish
liner S.S. Stockholm and sank on that cruise.
On June 25th at 0636 underway
for Spain, arriving on July 3rd at 1018 and mooring port to
starboard of USS TIRANTE (SS-420) at Muelle
De La Muralla in Barcelona, Spain. On
July 9th underway at 0858 – and arriving and anchoring at
0717 at Golfe De Napolla, Cannes, France.
At 2137 REDFIN moved and moored port side to USS TIRANTE
at Quai De Plaisance, Monoco.
July 15th at 2359 REDFIN got underway for Gibraltar.
On July 18th at 1351 moored port to west side of Berth
41 Main Wharf, Gibraltar Harbor. On
July 18th at 2345 REDFIN was underway for Norfolk and arriving
in Norfolk on July 28, 1956 at 1506 and mooring starboard to USS TIGRONE
(SSR-419) Berth 211 C. E. Piers.
During the period August to
November, REDFIN operated in the areas of Bermuda, Virginia Capes and
Onslow Beach, North Carolina. From November 7 to December 31,
REDFIN was in port in Norfolk.
On Monday,
December 31, 1956 LCDR Herbert Evan Duquette, Jr. relieved LCDR Robert J.
Young, Jr. as Commanding Officer of USS REDFIN. |